Do you want to become a member in the year 2020-2021? Please fill in this form. It is possible to sign up until the 26th of August, 2020. After this deadline, we do not enroll any members unless you are a member of R.K.S.V. Albertus Magnus
Due to our administrative system, the pre-filled answers are in Dutch. The translations of the pre-filled options are:
'Ja' = Yes, 'Nee' = No, 'Man' = Male, 'Vrouw' = Female, 'Anders' = Other 'Ik word lid' = I will become a member
Velden met een * zijn verplicht.
The KNLTB is the Dutch national tennis organization. Tournaments and competities are organized around a scaling of one to ten. We ask for this information so that we classify the trainings as accurate as possible. If you are already a member of the KNLTB but you don't know your membership number, you can find it by searching for your name at If you are not already a member, we will sign you up for the KNTLB.
Since the scaling is not international, we suggest you check the KNLTB rating page by clicking here. There, you will find your approximate classification. If you are just beginning with tennis, fill in a 9.
You can find your BIC (Bank Identifier Code) by clicking here. If you already have a Dutch bank, the following BIC codes are those of popular Dutch banks:
Click here to find our Privacy Policy. It can be found at the bottom of the page.
Op dit formulier is een beveiliging actief. Los de som op om verder te gaan, en gebruik cijfers in het antwoord.